This is a text example it should highlight our usecases in a creative way

Use cases



At Swobbee, we take the responsibility of powering your commercial light electric vehicles so your company can focus on its core operations. In the case of battery charging, storage and distribution, we believe renting is better than buying. Here are a 3 reasons why:

To do battery charging and distribution effectively you need information on when, where and how your batteries are charging and being distributed. This kind of data allows for greater consistency, scaling, and strategy within a company, but this requires a large team.

Fortunately, you can forget about this list and let Swobbee remember it for you. With a team sharing over 10 years experience in operational management, battery modulation, and charging and storage optimisation, we have pioneered the processes needed to make commercial battery use, across a variety of industries, practical and lucrative. Instead of buying batteries, and their risk, utilize our existing, tested, certified and traceable batteries across our global network. Rent a battery, then rely on us to do the rest.


Shared mobility 

Shared mobility fleets are a great alternative to privately owned vehicles. Yet, the charging operations for fleets of electric bikes, mopeds and scooters remain costly, as batteries need to be picked up, transported to the charging site, charged and then redeployed with the vehicles. with charging often taking place outside of cities, where rental space is less expensive. Additionally, safety concerns during charging often imply that companies need to ensure that there is a team monitoring the batteries during charging, another important cost driver making charging operations expensive.

Therefore, we developed a solution that does both: monitoring your batteries at all times, making sure they are charged safely, and providing you central charging locations, so that your team can their start their battery swapping swift directly at the Swobbee location. This saves your team precious time and allows you as an operations manager to swap more batteries within the same time at reduced costs.

In combination with our battery charging stations, we also offer parking spaces for cargo bikes, cars and vans, EV chargers and even storage space for your tools or other items to be kept safely. Let our team know what you need and we will find a suitable location for you.


Charging infrastructure

For delivery workers and people who drive electric in their daily commutes

cost savings and CO2 savings per case (hochrechnen, ein swap ist eine Autofahrt, visuell darstellen, auch world fund studie)